JKA Spring Camp with NAKA TATSUYA 7th dan

Lunds karate club hosted JKA Spring Camp with Naka Tatsuya 7th dan. The club had gathered about 180 participants from JKA Sweden, some also came from Germany.  The atmosphere was very light-hearted and pleasant where people of all ages could train together with both kihon, kata and kumite.

Emma Bengtsson from Lund Karate Club says that the camp, JKA Spring Camp has been planned for a few years now, but the pandemic got in the way so it was only now that it finally happened.
The camp was divided into two days, Saturday with the focus on lower graded but several higher graded who participated there as well. Sunday was focused on higher graded (brown and up).

A total of 30 clubs came to the camp with participants from all over Sweden and also some from Germany. On Saturday there were about 50 Karatekas and on Sunday about 140 Karatekas. Naka Sensei talked a lot about Budo and the importance of proper breathing to achieve better stability in everything from Seiza and Rei to punches and techniques.
JKA chairman Robert Tegel took the opportunity to give Naka a gift from Budo-Nord, which was very appreciated.
It was demonstrated and then everyone got to try in small groups of two, a ”wow” experience for many who gave a lot of insight. Furthermore, more about different ways of training the same thing with different purposes, where the weight / center of gravity is moved and how to connect the brain with the body to become heavy and light and purely functional when used. The last session was a review by Gojushiho Dai.
Lunds Karate Club is planning a new camp in 2023 at the same time with Naka who immediately accepted the invitation from the chairman of Lund Karate Club Tomas Lindgren who made this camp possible.
The Japanese master of Shotokan Karate Tatsuya Naka (中 達也) is a full-time instructor of the Japan Karate Association and holds a 7th dan from JKA. Tatsuya has also starred in several Japanese Martial Art movies such as Kuro Obi, High Kick Girl and Karate Girl.

The Black Belt movie, known as Kuro-obi (黒帯) in Japan, is a Japanese film directed by Shunichi Nagasaki. It focuses mainly on the Martial Art of Karate. It is notable for excluding the usual exaggerations of the genre. All the lead roles were played by karate experts, and no special effects were used.

Read more about JKA – Japan Karate Association.

Lunds Karate Club was founded in 1973 and today has about 300 members of varying ages.

Read more about Lunds Karate Club at https://www.lundskarateklubb.se and https://www.instagram.com/lundskarateklubb

The Uniform Naka received from Budo-Nord was a Budo-Nord Dento Karate Uniform.

Foto: Emma Bengtsson, Lunds Karate Club.

Also read K1 Matosinhos / Stanislav Horuna ”I spent the first month of the war in a military base”.

Lovisa Andersson

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